VOA Learning English 초급 영어 회화 자막 동영상, 스크립트, 단어장 #1
동영상 제목 : PC Recycler Strikes Gold in Old Computer Chips
PC Recycler Strikes Gold in Old Computer Chips
Word |
뜻 |
electronic |
n. 전자의 |
means |
n.수단;방법;재산;수입 |
business |
n. 실업, 직무, 영업, 사업, 용건, 사건, 몸짓 |
electronics |
n. 전자공학 |
Virginia |
n. 미국동부의 주, 이주에서 생산되는 담배 |
established |
a. 확립된, 확정된, 만성의 |
spoke |
(수레바퀴의)살, (사닥다리의)가로장, 바퀴 멈추개, ..에 살을 달다, |
center |
n.중심;한가운데;중심지 vt.중심에 두다 |
were |
v be의 과거 |
taking |
n. pl, 취득, 포획물, (물고기 따위의)포획고, 수입 |
apart |
ad.떨어져, 떼어서(~from ..은 별문제로 하고, come ~흐트러지다, joking~ 농담은 집어치우고, take~ 분해하다다 |
cell |
n. vi. 작은방, 암자(수도원 부속의), 사실, 오두막집, 무덤, (교도소의)독방, (벌집의)구멍, 꽃가루주머니, 전지, 세포, (조직내의)작은 공동, 세포(공산당 등의), 가 |
flow |
vi. vt. n. 머리칼이 늘어지다, (바람에)쓸리다, (조수가)밀다, 많이있다, 흐르게하다, 범람시키다, 흐름, 유출량, 밀물, 흐르다 |
increasing |
a. 증가(증대)하는(opp.decreasing) |
recycling |
n. 재생 이용, 재이용 |
growing |
n. 성장, 발육, 생성 |
waste |
n. 황무비, 황량한 전망, 낭비, 쇠약, 폐물, 찌꺼기, go (run) to ~ 헛되이 되다, 낭비되다 |
stream |
n. vi. vt. 시내, 흐름, 물결, 경향, 풍조, 정보의 흐름, 흐르다, 끊임없이 잇따르다, 펄럭이다, 나부끼다, 펄럭이게 하다, 흘리다, 유출시키다, (학생을)능력별로 편성 |
United |
a. 결합(연합)한, 일치(결속)된 |
single |
a. 단 하나의, 혼자의, 독신의, 편도의, 단식의, 홑의, 단식 시합의, 외겹(꽃)의, 성실한, 일편단심의, 일치한, 단결한, 독신, 맞상대 싸움, 한개, 단일, 단식시합, (러 |
Breaking |
n. 파괴, 단선, 길들이기 |
melt |
vi. 녹다, 녹아 없어지다, (마음이)풀리다, 가엾은 생각이 나다, (색이)녹아 섞이다 |
purify |
vt. 정화하다, 깨끗이 하다, 심신을 깨끗이하다, , 정련하다 |
part |
n. 부분, 일부, 부, 편, 할당된 것, 역할, 한쪽 편, 자질 |
Manager |
n. 지배인, 경영자, 수완가, 관리인, 처리자, (영국 양원의) 교섭 위원, good ~ 살림을 잘 꾸려가는 주부, 경영을 잘 하는 사람, 두름성 좋은 사람 |
computer |
n. 전자계산기, 컴퓨터, 계산기, 계산자 |
circuit |
순회, 순회여행, 빙둘러서 감, 우회, 우회로(코스), (원형모양의)주위, 범위, 둘러싸인 지역, 다이아몬드, (목사.세일즈맨.순회 재판 판사등의)정기적 순회, 순회 재판구, 순회 |
including |
prep. ..을 포함하여(함께 넣어서)(opp.exelude) |
more |
, 영국의 대법관, 사상가 |
thousand |
n. a. 천(의), 무수(한), a. ~ to one 거의 절대적인, one in a. ~ 희귀한(뛰어난)것 |
three |
n. a. 3(의), 세 사람(개)(의) |
hundred |
a. n. 백(사람, 개)의, 많은, 백, 백사람, 다수, 백달러, a. ~ and one 많은 , by ~s 몇 백이고, 많이, a. great (long) ~ 백 이십, ~s |
ounce |
n. 온스 |
Twenty |
n. a. 20(의) |
five |
n. a. 5(의) |
percent |
x. 퍼센트, 100분 |
selling |
a. , 판매에 종사하는, (잘) 팔리는 |
kilogram |
n. 킬로그램 |
also |
ad.또한, 역시, 그 위에 |
increase |
늘다, 불어나다, 증가(증대, 증진)하다, 커지다, 강해지다, (유의어increase 수량정도등이 증가(증대)하다, enlarge 크기 양 등이 증가하다, multiply 수량이 |
holding |
n. 보유, 파지, 유지, 소유, 토지, 소유주, 지주, (축구, 농구 등의)홀딩(공을 너무 오래 갖고 있거나 상대를 방해하는 등의 반칙) |
metal |
n. 금속, 밤자갈, 레일, 소질 |
rise |
vt.올리다;일으키다;승진시키다 n.상승;오름;고조 |
private |
a. n. 사사로운, 개인의, 개인적인, 사용의, 비밀의, 비 공개의, 민간의, 관직을 갖지 않은, 평민의, 남의 눈에 띄지 않는, 은둔한(citizen 평민), 사병, 졸병(i |
secret |
a. 비밀의, 비밀을 지키는, 숨은, 외딴, 신비스러운, 숨은, 외딴, 신비스러운, 비법, 비결, 신비, 음부 |
information |
n. 통지, 정보, 통보, 보고, 보도, 교시, 자료, 지식, 견문, 접시(안내처)범죄, 신고, 고발(charge)고소, 밀고 |
data |
n. 재료, 자료, 데이터 |
Completely |
ad.완전히;충분히;전혀;전부 |
remove |
vt.옮기다;제거하다;벗다;없애다;해임하다 n.거리 |
magnetically |
ad.자기적으로, 매력적으로 |
destroy |
vt. 파괴하다, 멸하다, 죽이다, 폐하다 |
recycle |
vt.재생 이용하다;재순환시키다 n.재순환과정 |
government |
n. 통지, 지배, 정치, 정체, 정부, 내각, 지배 |
environmental |
a. 환경의, 주위의, 환경예술의(environmental pollution 환경 오염) |
protection |
n. 보호, 방어, 보호하는 사람, 보호 무역, 여권 |
important |
a. 중요한, 중대한, 소중한, (더욱)가장 중요한 것은, (사람, 지위등이)유력한, 영향력있는, (사회적으로)중요한, 저명한, 거드름부리는, 오만한 |
contain |
vt. 담고있다, 포함하다, 품다, 담을수있다, 들어가다(hold), (얼마)와 같다, (감정등을)억누르다, 참다, (변이각을)끼다, (도형을)에워싸다, 나누어지다, 인수로 가지다 |
lead |
n. 선도, 솔선, 지휘, 지침, 조언, 우세, (물을 끌어들이는) 도량, 도선, 광맥, follow the ~ of ..의 예에 따르다 |
cadmium |
n. 카드뮴(금속원소, 기호 Cd, 번호 48) |
highly |
ad.높이, 크게, speak ~ of ..을 격찬하다 |
poisonous |
a. 유독한, 악의 있는 |
Action |
n. 활동, 작용, 행동, 행위, 동작, 작용, 소송, 전투, 소설의 줄거리 전개 |
Network |
n. vt. (운하, 철도등의)망상조직, 연락망, 망세공, 망제품, 라디오tv)방송망, 네트워크, (전산)회로망, .에 방송망을 설치하다, 방송망으로 방송하다 |
limit |
vt. 한정(제한)하다 |
harmful |
a. 해로운 |
technology |
n. 과학(공업)기술, 공예(학), 전문어 |
does |
v do의3인칭 단수, 직설법 현재 |
export |
vt. n. 수출하다, 수출품, 수출 |
China |
n. a. 자기, 도자기, 사기그릇, 도자기(제)의, =CINCHONA |
Africa |
n. 아프리카 |
been |
v be의 과거분사, 지금까지 줄곧 ..이다, 그때까지 ..이었다 |
since |
ad.그 후, 그 이래, (지금부터 몇 해, 며칠)전에, ever ~ 그 후 쭉(내내), long ~ 훨씬 이전에(전부터), not long ~ 바로 최근, ..이래, (, ..한 |
management |
n. 취급, 관리, 경영, 경영자측, 술책 |
technical |
a. 공업의, 공예의, 전문의, 기술(상)의, 학술의 |
Word |
뜻 |
Each |
adj. (used of
count nouns) every one considered individually; adv. to or from every one of
two or more (considered individually) |
year |
noun the period
of time that it takes for a planet (as, e.g., Earth or Mars) to make a
complete revolution around the sun; a period of time containing 365 (or 366)
days |
throw |
noun the act of
throwing (propelling something through the air with a rapid movement of the
arm and wrist); casting an object in order to determine an outcome randomly |
away |
adj. (of a
baseball pitch) on the far side of home plate from the batter; used of an
opponent's ground |
tons |
noun a large
number or amount |
electronic |
adj. of or
relating to electronics; concerned with or using devices that operate on
principles governing the behavior of electrons; of or concerned with electrons |
devices |
noun an
inclination or desire; used in the plural in the phrase `left to your own
devices' |
means |
noun how a
result is obtained or an end is achieved; an instrumentality for
accomplishing some end |
business |
noun incidental
activity performed by an actor for dramatic effect; the volume of commercial
activity |
good |
adj. thorough;
generally admired |
a |
noun the blood
group whose red cells carry the A antigen; the 1st letter of the Roman
alphabet |
small |
adj. limited or
below average in number or quantity or magnitude or extent; slight or
limited; especially in degree or intensity or scope |
electronics |
noun the branch
of physics that deals with the emission and effects of electrons and with the
use of electronic devices |
in |
adj. currently fashionable;
directed or bound inward |
Virginia |
noun a town in
northeastern Minnesota in the heart of the Mesabi Range; a state in the
eastern United States; one of the original 13 colonies; one of the
Confederate States in the American Civil War |
Company |
noun an
institution created to conduct business; a unit of firefighters including
their equipment |
President |
noun the chief
executive of a republic; an executive officer of a firm or corporation |
established |
adj. introduced
from another region and persisting without cultivation; brought about or set
up or accepted; especially long established |
PC |
noun a small
digital computer based on a microprocessor and designed to be used by one
person at a time |
He |
noun the 5th
letter of the Hebrew alphabet; a very light colorless element that is one of
the six inert gasses; the most difficult gas to liquefy; occurs in
economically extractable amounts in certain natural gases (as those found in
Texas and Kansas) |
spoke |
noun support
consisting of a radial member of a wheel joining the hub to the rim; one of
the crosspieces that form the steps of a ladder |
us |
noun North
American republic containing 50 states |
floor |
noun the inside
lower horizontal surface (as of a room or hallway); a structure consisting of
a room or set of rooms at a single position along a vertical scale |
processing |
noun preparing
or putting through a prescribed procedure |
center |
adj. equally
distant from the extremes; of or belonging to neither the right nor the left
politically or intellectually |
busy |
adj. crowded
with or characterized by much activity; actively or fully engaged or occupied |
taking |
adj. very
attractive; capturing interest; noun the act of someone who picks up or takes
something |
apart |
adj. remote and
separate physically or socially; having characteristics not shared by others |
cell |
noun (biology)
the basic structural and functional unit of all organisms; they may exist as
independent units of life (as in monads) or may form colonies or tissues as
in higher plants and animals; a device that delivers an electric current as
the result of a chemical reaction |
anything |
noun a thing of
any kind |
flow |
noun the act of
flowing or streaming; continuous progression; the motion characteristic of
fluids (liquids or gases) |
discarded |
adj. thrown away |
only |
adj. exclusive
of anyone or anything else; being the only one; single and isolated from
others |
increasing |
adj. becoming
greater or larger; music |
recycling |
noun the act of
processing used or abandoned materials for use in creating new products |
fastest |
adv. most
quickly |
growing |
adj. increasing
in size or degree or amount; relating to or suitable for growth |
waste |
adj. located in
a dismal or remote area; desolate; noun useless or profitless activity; using
or expending or consuming thoughtlessly or carelessly |
stream |
noun dominant
course (suggestive of running water) of successive events or ideas; a natural
body of running water flowing on or under the earth |
United |
characterized by unity; being or joined into a single entity; of or relating
to two people who are married to each other |
right |
adj. correct in
opinion or judgment; (of the side of cloth or clothing) facing or intended to
face outward |
now |
adv. used to
preface a command or reproof or request; at the present moment |
not |
adv. negation of
a word or group of words |
single |
adj. not divided
among or brought to bear on more than one object or objective; having uniform
application |
job |
noun a damaging
piece of work; the performance of a piece of work |
can |
noun airtight
sealed metal container for food or drink or paint etc.; a buoy with a round
bottom and conical top |
be |
noun a light
strong brittle grey toxic bivalent metallic element; verb spend or use time |
Breaking |
adj. (of waves)
curling over and crashing into surf or spray; noun the act of breaking
something |
down |
adj. not
functioning (temporarily or permanently); shut |
parts |
noun the local
environment |
melt |
noun the process
whereby heat changes something from a solid to a liquid; verb become less
intense and fade away gradually |
purify |
verb remove
impurities from, increase the concentration of, and separate through the
process of distillation; make pure or free from sin or guilt |
another |
adj. any of
various alternatives; some other |
part |
adv. in part; in
some degree; not wholly; noun something less than the whole of a human
artifact |
Operations |
noun financial
transactions at a brokerage; having to do with the execution of trades and
keeping customer records |
Manager |
noun (sports)
someone in charge of training an athlete or a team; someone who controls
resources and expenditures |
Andrew |
noun (New
Testament) disciple of Jesus; brother of Peter; patron saint of Scotland |
computer |
noun a machine
for performing calculations automatically; an expert at calculation (or at
operating calculating machines) |
circuit |
noun an
electrical device that provides a path for electrical current to flow; (law)
a judicial division of a state or the United States (so-called because
originally judges traveled and held court in different locations); one of the
twelve groups of states in the United States that is covered by a particular
circuit court of appeals |
boards |
noun the
boarding that surrounds an ice hockey rink; the stage of a theater |
are |
noun a unit of
surface area equal to 100 square meters |
rich |
adj. pleasantly
full and mellow; very productive |
gold |
adj. made from
or covered with gold; having the deep slightly brownish color of gold |
more |
(comparative of `much' used with mass nouns) a quantifier meaning greater in
size or amount or extent or degree; (comparative of `many' used with count
nouns) quantifier meaning greater in number |
one |
adj. indefinite
in time or position; being a single entity made by combining separate
components |
thousand |
adj. denoting a
quantity consisting of 1,000 items or units; noun the cardinal number that is
the product of 10 and 100 |
three |
adj. being one
more than two; noun the cardinal number that is the sum of one and one and
one |
hundred |
adj. being ten
more than ninety; noun ten 10s |
an |
noun an
associate degree in nursing |
ounce |
noun a unit of
weight equal to one sixteenth of a pound or 16 drams or 28.349 grams; a unit
of apothecary weight equal to 480 grains or one twelfth of a pound |
Twenty-five |
adj. being five
more than twenty; noun the cardinal number that is the sum of twenty-four and
one |
percent |
noun a
proportion multiplied by 100 |
sales |
noun income (at
invoice values) received for goods and services over some given period of
time |
come |
noun the thick
white fluid containing spermatozoa that is ejaculated by the male genital
tract; verb come to pass; arrive, as in due course |
selling |
noun the
exchange of goods for an agreed sum of money |
Refining |
noun the process
of removing impurities (as from oil or metals or sugar etc.) |
pay |
noun something
that remunerates; verb bear (a cost or penalty), in recompense for some action |
ten |
adj. being one
more than nine; noun the cardinal number that is the sum of nine and one; the
base of the decimal system |
kilogram |
noun one
thousand grams; the basic unit of mass adopted under the Systeme
International d'Unites |
also |
adv. in addition |
increase |
noun the act of
increasing something; the amount by which something increases |
profits |
noun the excess
of revenues over outlays in a given period of time (including depreciation
and other non-cash expenses); something won (especially money) |
by |
adv. so as to
pass a given point; in reserve; not for immediate use |
holding |
noun the act of
retaining something; something owned; any tangible or intangible possession
that is owned by someone |
rise |
noun the act of
changing location in an upward direction; an increase in cost |
hold |
noun a cell in a
jail or prison; a stronghold |
private |
adj. concerning
things deeply private and personal; confined to particular persons or groups
or providing privacy |
or |
noun a room in a
hospital equipped for the performance of surgical operations; a state in
northwestern United States on the Pacific |
secret |
adj. the next to
highest level of official classification for documents; not expressed |
information |
(communication theory) a numerical measure of the uncertainty of an outcome;
knowledge acquired through study or experience or instruction |
data |
noun a
collection of facts from which conclusions may be drawn |
Completely |
adv. so as to be
complete; with everything necessary; to a complete degree or to the full or
entire extent (`whole' is often used informally for `wholly') |
hard |
adj. dried out;
unfortunate or hard to bear |
drive |
noun the act of
applying force to propel something; a journey in a vehicle (usually an
automobile) |
easy |
adj. obtained
with little effort or sacrifice, often obtained illegally; less in demand and
therefore readily obtainable |
remove |
noun degree of
figurative distance or separation; verb remove something concrete, as by
lifting, pushing, or taking off, or remove something abstract |
magnetically |
adv. as if by
magnetism; by the use of magnetism |
destroy |
verb put to
death; destroy completely; damage irreparably |
recycle |
verb use again
after processing; cause to repeat a cycle |
way |
adv. to a great
degree or by a great distance; very much (`right smart' is regional in the
United States); noun a journey or passage |
government |
noun the act of
governing; exercising authority; (government) the system or form by which a
community or other political unit is governed |
environmental |
adj. concerned
with the ecological effects of altering the environment; of or relating to
the external conditions or surroundings |
protection |
noun payment
extorted by gangsters on threat of violence; the activity of protecting
someone or something |
important |
adj. of great
significance or value; having or suggesting a consciousness of high position |
Old |
adj. of a very
early stage in development; old in experience |
contain |
verb be capable
of holding or containing; be divisible by |
over |
adj. having come
or been brought to a conclusion; adv. throughout a period of time |
lead |
noun the playing
of a card to start a trick in bridge; a position of leadership (especially in
the phrase `take the lead') |
as |
adv. to the same
degree (often followed by `as'); noun a United States territory on the
eastern part of the island of Samoa |
well |
adj. wise or
advantageous and hence advisable; in good health especially after having
suffered illness or injury |
cadmium |
noun a soft
bluish-white ductile malleable toxic bivalent metallic element; occurs in
association with zinc ores |
both |
adj. (used with
count nouns) two considered together; the two |
highly |
adv. in a high
position or level or rank; to a high degree or extent; favorably or with much
respect |
poisonous |
adj. marked by
deep ill will; deliberately harmful; not safe to eat |
Basel |
noun a city in
northwestern Switzerland |
Action |
noun something
done (usually as opposed to something said); the most important or
interesting work or activity in a specific area or field |
Network |
(broadcasting) a communication system consisting of a group of broadcasting
stations that all transmit the same programs; (electronics) a system of
interconnected electronic components or circuits |
limit |
noun the
greatest possible degree of something; the boundary of a specific area |
harmful |
adj. causing or
capable of causing harm; able or likely to do harm |
technology |
noun the
practical application of science to commerce or industry; the discipline
dealing with the art or science of applying scientific knowledge to practical
problems |
it |
noun the branch
of engineering that deals with the use of computers and telecommunications to
retrieve and store and transmit information |
export |
noun commodities
(goods or services) sold to a foreign country; verb cause to spread in
another part of the world |
China |
noun high
quality porcelain originally made only in China; a communist nation that
covers a vast territory in eastern Asia; the most populous country in the
world |
India |
noun a republic
in the Asian subcontinent in southern Asia; second most populous country in
the world; achieved independence from the United Kingdom in 1947 |
Africa |
noun the second
largest continent; located south of Europe and bordered to the west by the
South Atlantic and to the east by the Indian Ocean |
weak |
adj. deficient
in intelligence or mental power; likely to fail under stress or pressure |
two |
adj. being one
more than one; noun the cardinal number that is the sum of one and one or a
numeral representing this number |
management |
noun the act of
managing something; those in charge of running a business |
other |
adj. very
unusual; different in character or quality from the normal or expected;
recently past |
technical |
adj. (of
production of chemicals) made for commercial purposes especially on a large
scale; resulting from or dependent on market factors rather than fundamental
economic considerations |
services |
noun performance
of duties or provision of space and equipment helpful to others |