VOA Learning English 초급 영어 회화 자막 동영상, 스크립트, 단어장 #2
What, No Digital Camera? Capturing the Beauty of the Grand Canyon With a Brush
LINDA GLOVER GOOCH: "Oh, there is a huge difference because you are in the atmosphere. You feel the air. Photos are nice, but they still lose some of the feeling that's out there. And you experience it, you know, firsthand, so your emotions are there at the same time as you are doing the work."
This is what artists call plein air painting, in which the changing light and environment affect the work. Scott Kraynak is with the National Park Service.
SCOTT KRAYNAK: "It's painting quickly in nature to capture fleeting moments in nature of the light."
The National Park Service invites artists to make paintings that will later be sold. The money helps to pay for the building of an art gallery. Kraynak says many people first came to know the Grand Canyon through paintings.
SCOTT KRAYNAK: "Not many people, I think, realize the importance of art in the national parks. Art first gave people a glimpse of what these areas looked like in the West, before TV and Internet. Art was a big factor in these areas being set aside. Art was big factor of popularizing national parks."
The works of Linda Glover Gooch can be seen in places like the Lawrence Gallery in Scottsdale, Arizona. Her paintings offer images of nature and the desert to collectors who want to take some of the beauty home with them.
LINDA GLOVER GOOCH: "I want to get that light on that point because it's only going to be there for an hour more, maybe, or a little less. It's really bright."
Gooch spent all day at the Grand Canyon to produce this one small painting. But she says there is nowhere else she would rather be.
LINDA GLOVER GOOCH: "Words can't explain it. It is just a gorgeous place. It's challenging. It's always changing. The weather is never the same. It gives you a lot of views. You could paint the rest of your life out here and always see something different."
In the end, her painting of this one part of the canyon is complete and ready for showing. However, the ever-changing appearance of the canyon makes her want to return and paint another day. I'm Steve Ember.
Word |
뜻 |
Grand |
a. 웅대(장려)한, 장엄한, 위대(훌륭)한, 거룩한, 풍채가 당당한, 거만한, 중대한, 큰, 주되는, 전부의, 굉장한, 멋진 |
Canyon |
n. 깊은(큰) 협곡 |
starting |
n.출발;개시 |
Glover |
n. 장갑 제조인, 장갑 장수 |
image |
초상, 상, 화상, 조상, 성상, 우상, 형태, 모습, 닮은 사람(것), (거울또는 망막상의)상, 영상, 상징, 화신, 전형(type), (개인이 가지는)이미지, 인상, (대중이 |
form |
n. vi. vt. 모양, 외형, 모습, 몸매, 형식, 방식, 형, 형성되다, 생기다, 대형이되다, 형성하다, 형체를 이루다, 단련하다. formable a. |
beauty |
n. 아름다움, 미, 좋은 점, 미관, 아름다운 것, 미인, 아름다운 동물, 터무니 없는 것 |
could |
aux.can의 과거 |
would |
aux, ..할 것이다, 가끔...했다, ..할 텐데 |
huge |
a. 거대한, ~ly ad |
difference |
n. 다름, 차이점, 불화 |
atmosphere |
n. 대기, 공기, 분위기, 주위의정황, 기분, 기압, 전체를 싸고 있는 가스체, (예술 작품의)풍격, 운치 |
still |
n. 증류기, 증류소 |
feeling |
n. a. 촉감, 지각, 느낌, 감각, 동정, 흥분, 감수성, 느끼는, 감각이 있는, 다감한 |
experience |
n. vt. 경험, 체험, 경력, 경험담, 경험하다, 경험으로 알다 |
firsthand |
a. ad, 직접으로 |
your |
x. 당신(들)의 |
doing |
n. 행위, 실행, 소행, 행동 |
painting |
n. 그림그리기, 화법, 페인트 칠 |
environment |
n. 환경, 주위, 둘레 |
affect |
vt. 영향하다, 작용하다, 감동시키다, 침범하다, 좋아하다, 체 하다 |
National |
n. 동국인, 동포(특히 외국 거주의), (미)(경기등의)전국대회 |
Service |
avt, n. 봉사, 공헌, 근무, 유용, 조력, 직무, 군무, 부분, 고용살이, 예배식, 시중, 서비스, 식기, 기차편, 운행, 시설, 사업, 감는 밧줄, ..의 마음대로, 임 |
quickly |
ad.서둘러서, 빨리 |
nature |
(대)자연, 천지만물, 자연계, 자연력, 자연현상, 자연의 법칙, (문명의 영향을 받지 않은)인간의 자연의 모습, 자연물, 실물, 본바탕, 본성, 천성, 성질, 인간성, 기질, ( |
capture |
vt. n. 사로잡다, 포획하다, (요새.전지를)점령하다, (소립자를)포착하다, (상등을)획득하다, (마음, 관심을)사로잡다, 매료하다, (자연미 등을 그림.말로)포착(보존)하다 |
fleeting |
a. 어느덧 지나가는, 잠깐 동안의, 무상한, 덧없는 |
later |
ad.나중에, ~ on 나중에, 추후에 |
sold |
v sell의 과거 분사 |
building |
n. 건물, 건축 |
gallery |
회랑, 주랑, 노대, 복도(건물의 내부에 면하고 홍예받이로 받쳐진), (교회당, 회관 등의)특별석, 높이 불쑥 나온 별석, (극장의)맨 위층 관람석(가장 싼), 꼭대기 관람석의 관 |
first |
a. n. ad, 제1의, 주요한, 수위의, 제일, 일등, 일위, 최초, 초하루, 첫째로, 최초로, 처음으로, 차라리, 오히려 |
came |
v n. COME의 과거, 납으로 만든 틀(격자창 등의) |
through |
a. 쭉통한, 직통의, 끝난 |
realize |
vt.깨닫다;이해하다;실현하다;여실히 보여주다 |
importance |
n. 중요(성), 중대성, 중요한 지위, 무게, 관록, 거드름, 오만(한 태도) |
gave |
v give의 과거 |
glimpse |
vt. vi. 희미하게 보이다, 흘긋 보(이)다 |
these |
a. pron, this의 복수 |
factor |
n. 요소, 요인, 원인, 인수, 인자, 계수, 율, 대리상, 도매상, 중매인 |
being |
v n. be의 현재 분사-존재, 실재, 생존, 생물, 사람, 본질 |
aside |
ad.곁에;옆에;떨어져서;따로 n.방백;사담 |
seen |
v see의 과거분사 보이는, 볼수 있는, ~에 정통하다(하지 않다) |
offer |
n. 제언, 신청, 제공, ~ing n. 신청, 제공, 헌납 |
desert |
vt. n. 버리다, 도망하다, 사막의, 당연한 응보 |
them |
pron, they의 목적격 |
going |
a. 진행(운전, 활동)중의, 현행의, in ~ order 고장없이, 건전하게, keep ~ ..을 계속하다, 유지하다 |
more |
, 영국의 대법관, 사상가 |
less |
n. 보다 적은 수량(액), in ~ than no time 곧, 이내 |
spent |
v spend 의 과거, 다 써버린, 지쳐버린 |
produce |
vt. n. 생기게 하다, 산출(생산)하다, 낳다, 초래하다, 만들다, 제조하다, 공급하다, 보이다, 제출하다, 연장하다, 상연하다, 연출하다(produce on the line |
nowhere |
ad.a. n. 어디에도 .. 없다, 어딘지 모르는 곳, 이름도 없는 존재, 무명, 별볼일 없는, 시시한 |
else |
ad.달리, 그밖에, 그렇지않으면 |
rather |
ad.오히려;차라리;얼마간;조금 |
explain |
vt. vi. n. 설명하다, 해석하다, 변명하다, 군더더기, 덧붙이기, 욕설, 허사 |
gorgeous |
a. 호화스러운 |
challenging |
a. ad, (태도 등이)도전적인, 능력을 시험하는 것 같은, 힘드는, 의욕(흥미)을 돋우는, 자극적인, (사람, 개성 등이)매력적인, ~ly |
part |
n. 부분, 일부, 부, 편, 할당된 것, 역할, 한쪽 편, 자질 |
complete |
vt. a. ad,
n. 완성하다, 완료하다, 끝마치다, (수.양을)채우다, 갖추다, (시합을)완투하다, 전부의, 완벽한, 완비한, 완전한, 전적인, 완결(완성)한, 숙달한, 완 |
showing |
n. a. vt. 전시, 진열, 꾸밈, 전람(전시회), 외관, 모양새, 새가 좋다, on your own ~ 당신 자신의 변명에 의하여 |
However |
ad.아무리 ..일지라도, 도대체 어떻게 해서, 그럴지라도, 도대체 어떻게해서, 그렇지만 |
ever |
ad.언젠가, 일찌기, 언제나, 도대체, 적어도(than erer 지금 까지보다 점점 더, ever and anon, erer since 그 후 줄곧) |
appearance |
n. 출현, 출두, 등장, 외관, 현상, 곡두, 유령, 발간, 모양, 상황, 형세(for~'s sake) 체면상 |
return |
vt.vi.돌아가다;복귀하다;돌려주다 n.돌아감;귀향(국) |
Ember |
n. 단식과 기도의 계재 |
Word |
뜻 |
affect |
noun. the
conscious subjective aspect of feeling or emotion; verb act physically on;
have an effect upon |
air |
adj. relating to
or characteristic of or occurring in the air; noun a distinctive but
intangible quality surrounding a person or thing |
all |
adj. completely
given to or absorbed by; quantifier; used with either mass or count nouns to
indicate the whole number or amount of or every one of a class |
always |
adv. at all
times; all the time and on every occasion; forever; throughout all time |
an |
noun. an
associate degree in nursing |
another |
adj. any of
various alternatives; some other |
appearance |
noun. the act of
appearing in public view; pretending that something is the case in order to
make a good impression |
are |
noun. a unit of
surface area equal to 100 square meters |
Arizona |
noun. glossy
snake; a state in southwestern United States; site of the Grand Canyon |
as |
adv. to the same
degree (often followed by `as''; noun a United States territory on the
eastern part of the island of Samoa |
aside |
adv. in reserve;
not for immediate use; on or to one side |
atmosphere |
noun. the mass
of air surrounding the Earth; the envelope of gases surrounding any celestial
body |
beauty |
noun. the
qualities that give pleasure to the senses; an outstanding example of its
kind |
being |
noun. the state
or fact of existing; a living thing that has (or can develop) the ability to
act or function independently |
big |
adj. in an
advanced stage of pregnancy; conspicuous in position or importance |
bright |
adj. full or
promise; having lots of light either natural or artificial |
building |
noun. a
structure that has a roof and walls and stands more or less permanently in
one place; the occupants of a building |
But |
adv. and nothing
more |
by |
adv. so as to
pass a given point; in reserve; not for immediate use |
call |
noun. (sports)
the decision made by an umpire or referee; a visit in an official or
professional capacity |
can |
noun. airtight
sealed metal container for food or drink or paint etc.; a buoy with a round
bottom and conical top |
Canyon |
noun. a ravine
formed by a river in an area with little rainfall |
challenging |
disturbingly provocative; stimulating interest or thought |
changing |
adj. marked by
continuous change or effective action |
clear |
adj. of
complexion; without such blemishes as e.g. acne; clear to the mind |
complete |
adj. having
every necessary or normal part or component or step; having come or been
brought to a conclusion |
copied |
adj. derived by
copying something else; especially by following lines seen through a
transparent sheet |
day |
noun. United
States writer best known for his autobiographical works (1874-1935); a period
of opportunity |
desert |
adj. located in
a dismal or remote area; desolate; noun arid land with little or no
vegetation |
difference |
noun. the
quality of being unlike or dissimilar; a significant change |
different |
adj. differing
from all others; not ordinary; unlike in nature or quality or form or degree |
else |
adj. other than
what is under consideration or implied; adv. (usually used with `or') if not,
then |
Ember |
noun. a hot
fragment of wood or coal that is left from a fire and is glowing or
smoldering |
end |
noun. a position
on the line of scrimmage; the part you are expected to play |
environment |
noun. the area
in which something exists or lives; the totality of surrounding conditions |
ever-changing |
adj. marked by
continuous change or effective action |
experience |
noun. the
accumulation of knowledge or skill that results from direct participation in
events or activities; the content of direct observation or participation in
an event |
explain |
verb make plain
and comprehensible; define |
feel |
noun. manual
stimulation of the genital area for sexual pleasure; an intuitive awareness |
feeling |
noun. the
experiencing of affective and emotional states; an intuitive understanding of
something |
first |
adj. being the
gear producing the lowest drive speed; ranking above all others |
firsthand |
adj. received
directly from a source; adv. at first hand or directly |
fleeting |
adj. lasting for
a markedly brief time |
form |
noun. a mold for
setting concrete; the visual appearance of something or someone |
gallery |
noun. narrow
recessed balcony area along an upper floor on the interior of a building;
usually marked by a colonnade; a covered corridor (especially one extending
along the wall of a building and supported with arches or columns) |
get |
noun. a return
on a shot that seemed impossible to reach and would normally have resulted in
a point for the opponent; verb cause to move; cause to be in a certain
position or condition |
glimpse |
noun. a brief or
incomplete view; a vague indication |
going |
adj. in full
operation; noun advancing toward a goal |
gorgeous |
adj. dazzlingly
beautiful |
Grand |
adj. the most
important and magnificent in adornment; large and impressive in physical size
or extent |
have |
noun. a person
who possesses great material wealth; verb suffer from; be ill with |
here |
adj. being here
now; adv. in or at this place; where the speaker or writer is |
home |
adj. inside the
country; used of your own ground |
hour |
noun. distance
measured by the time taken to cover it; a period of time equal to 1/24th of a
day |
However |
adv. despite
anything to the contrary (usually following a concession); in whatever way or
manner |
huge |
adj. unusually
great in size or amount or degree or especially extent or scope |
I |
noun. the 9th
letter of the Roman alphabet; a nonmetallic element belonging to the
halogens; used especially in medicine and photography and in dyes; occurs
naturally only in combination in small quantities (as in sea water or rocks) |
importance |
noun. the
quality of being important and worthy of note; a prominent status |
in |
adj. currently
fashionable; directed or bound inward |
Internet |
noun. a computer
network consisting of a worldwide network of computer networks that use the
TCP/IP network protocols to facilitate data transmission and exchange |
It |
noun. the branch
of engineering that deals with the use of computers and telecommunications to
retrieve and store and transmit information |
just |
adj. used
especially of what is legally or ethically right or proper or fitting; free
from favoritism or self-interest or bias or deception; or conforming with
established standards or rules |
later |
adj. coming at a
subsequent time or stage; at or toward an end or late period or stage of
development |
Lawrence |
noun. a town in
northeastern Kansas on the Kansas River; scene of raids by John Brown in
1856; English novelist and poet and essayist whose work condemned industrial
society and explored sexual relationships (1885-1930) |
life |
noun. living
things collectively; the experience of being alive; the course of human
events and activities |
light |
characterized by or emitting light; (used of color) having a relatively small
amount of coloring agent |
like |
adj. resembling
or similar; having the same or some of the same characteristics; often used
in combination; equal in amount or value |
Little |
adj. small in a
way that arouses feelings (of tenderness or its opposite depending on the
context); (of a voice) faint |
lot |
noun. a parcel
of land having fixed boundaries; (Old Testament) nephew of Abraham; God
destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah but chose to spare Lot and his family who were
told to flee without looking back at the destruction |
make |
noun. the act of
mixing cards haphazardly; a recognizable kind |
many |
adj. a
quantifier that can be used with count nouns and is often preceded by `as' or
`too' or `so' or `that'; amounting to a large but indefinite number |
maybe |
adv. by chance |
money |
noun. wealth
reckoned in terms of money; the most common medium of exchange; functions as
legal tender |
more |
(comparative of `much' used with mass nouns) a quantifier meaning greater in
size or amount or extent or degree; (comparative of `many' used with count
nouns) quantifier meaning greater in number |
morning |
noun. the time
period between dawn and noon; a conventional expression of greeting or
farewell |
National |
adj. concerned
with or applicable to or belonging to an entire nation or country; limited to
or in the interests of a particular nation |
nature |
noun. the
complex of emotional and intellectual attributes that determine a person's
characteristic actions and reactions; the essential qualities or
characteristics by which something is recognized |
never |
adv. not ever; at
no time in the past or future; not at all; certainly not; not in any
circumstances |
nice |
adj. pleasant or
pleasing or agreeable in nature or appearance; done with delicacy and skill |
not |
adv. negation of
a word or group of words |
nowhere |
adv. not anywhere;
in or at or to no place; noun an insignificant place |
offer |
noun. something
offered (as a proposal or bid); the verbal act of offering |
Oh |
noun. a
midwestern state in north central United States in the Great Lakes region |
on |
adj. in
operation or operational; (of events) planned or scheduled |
one |
adj. indefinite
in time or position; being a single entity made by combining separate
components |
only |
adj. exclusive
of anyone or anything else; being the only one; single and isolated from
others |
or |
noun. a room in
a hospital equipped for the performance of surgical operations; a state in
northwestern United States on the Pacific |
out |
adj. outer or
outlying; outside or external |
paint |
noun. a
substance used as a coating to protect or decorate a surface (especially a
mixture of pigment suspended in a liquid); dries to form a hard coating;
makeup consisting of a pink or red powder applied to the cheeks |
painting |
noun. the
occupation of a house painter; the act of applying paint to a surface |
Park |
noun. a gear
position that acts as a parking brake; a large area of land preserved in its
natural state as public property |
parks |
noun. United
States civil rights leader who refused to give up her seat on a bus to a
white man in Montgomery (Alabama) and so triggered the national civil rights
movement (born in 1913) |
part |
adv. in part; in
some degree; not wholly; noun something less than the whole of a human
artifact |
pay |
noun. something
that remunerates; verb bear (a cost or penalty), in recompense for some action |
people |
noun. (plural)
any group of human beings (men or women or children) collectively; members of
a family line |
photograph |
noun. a picture
of a person or scene in the form of a print or transparent slide; recorded by
a camera on light-sensitive material; verb record on photographic film |
place |
noun. an
abstract mental location; the passage that is being read |
point |
noun. sharp end;
a wall socket |
produce |
noun. fresh
fruits and vegetable grown for the market; verb create or manufacture a man-made
product |
quickly |
adv. with rapid
movements; with little or no delay |
rather |
adv. to some
(great or small) extent; on the contrary |
ready |
adj. (of
especially money) immediately available; brought into readiness |
realize |
verb make real
or concrete; give reality or substance to; expand or complete (a part in a
piece of baroque music) by supplying the harmonies indicated in the figured
bass |
really |
adv. used as
intensifiers; `real' is sometimes used informally for `really'; `rattling' is
informal; in accordance with truth or fact or reality |
rest |
noun. freedom
from activity (work or strain or responsibility); a support on which things
can be put |
return |
noun. a coming
to or returning home; the act of going back to a prior location |
same |
adj. unchanged
in character or nature; closely similar or comparable in kind or quality or
quantity or degree |
Scott |
noun. United
States slave who sued for liberty after living in a non-slave state; caused
the Supreme Court to declare the Missouri Compromise unconstitutional
(1795?-1858); British author of historical novels and ballads (1771-1832) |
see |
noun. the seat
within a bishop's diocese where his cathedral is located; verb be careful or
certain to do something; make certain of something |
Service |
noun. the performance
of duties by a waiter or servant; the act of delivering a writ or summons
upon someone |
set |
adj. being below
the horizon; converted to solid form (as concrete) |
showing |
noun. something
shown to the public; the display of a motion picture |
side |
adj. located on
a side; noun an extended outer surface of an object |
small |
adj. limited or
below average in number or quantity or magnitude or extent; slight or
limited; especially in degree or intensity or scope |
so |
adv. in a manner
that facilitates; to a very great extent or degree |
sold |
adj. disposed of
to a purchaser |
some |
adj. relatively
many but unspecified in number; relatively much but unspecified in amount or
extent |
something |
noun. a thing of
some kind |
south |
adj. situated in
or facing or moving toward or coming from the south; adv. in a southern
direction |
spent |
adj. having all
been spent; drained of energy or effectiveness; extremely tired; completely
exhausted |
starting |
adj. appropriate
to the beginning or start of an event; (especially of eyes) bulging or
protruding as with fear |
still |
adj. free from
noticeable current; used of pictures; of a single or static photograph not
presented so as to create the illusion of motion; or representing objects not
capable of motion |
take |
noun. the act of
photographing a scene or part of a scene without interruption; the income or
profit arising from such transactions as the sale of land or other property |
there |
adv. in or at
that place; to or toward that place; away from the speaker |
think |
noun. an instance
of deliberate thinking; verb bring into a given condition by mental
preoccupation |
through |
adj. (of a route
or journey etc.) continuing without requiring stops or changes; having
finished or arrived at completion |
time |
noun. the
continuum of experience in which events pass from the future through the
present to the past; a person's experience on a particular occasion |
TV |
noun. an
electronic device that receives television signals and displays them on a
screen; broadcasting visual images of stationary or moving objects |
want |
noun. a specific
feeling of desire; anything that is necessary but lacking |
weather |
adj. towards the
side exposed to wind; noun the meteorological conditions: temperature and
wind and clouds and precipitation |
West |
adj. situated in
or facing or moving toward the west; adv. to, toward, or in the west |
who |
noun. a United
Nations agency to coordinate international health activities and to help
governments improve health services |
will |
noun. a fixed
and persistent intent or purpose; a legal document declaring a person's
wishes regarding the disposal of their property when they die |
Words |
noun. language
that is spoken or written; the words that are spoken |
work |
noun. activity
directed toward making or doing something; a product produced or accomplished
through the effort or activity or agency of a person or thing |
works |
performance of moral or religious acts; the internal mechanism of a device |