VOA Learning English 초급 영어 회화 자막 동영상, 스크립트, 단어장 #3
Hero Pilot Now Turns to Stopping a Descent in New Pilots
AIR CONTROLLER: "Okay, which runway would you like at Teterboro?"
FLIGHT 1549: "We're gonna be in the Hudson."
Sullenberger decided where and how to land his US Airways plane.
CHESLEY SULLENBERGER: "We only had 208 seconds from the time we hit the birds to the time we landed."
Sullenberger brought the plane down in the Hudson River. His quick thinking saved everyone on the aircraft.
CHESLEY SULLENBERGER: "For everyone on the airplane and our families, that event changed our lives instantly, completely, and if not forever, for a very long time."
Since the landing, Chesley Sullenberger and his co-pilot, Jeff Skiles, have received many awards. In November, Sullenberger was at Purdue University in Indiana. He received the Neil Armstrong Medal of Excellence from the first man to walk on the moon.
NEIL ARMSTRONG: "A fellow member of the pilots-who-land-in-strange-places club. "
The man called Sully retired from US Airways in 2010. Being famous gave him a chance to do other things.
CHESLEY SULLENBERGER: "This notoriety, this attention, has given me a greater voice to have a chance to make a difference about things I've cared about for many years. Aviation safety. The state of the airline piloting profession. And, of course, the future of aviation in this country."
Now, Sullenberger heads a program for the Experimental Aircraft Association.
CHESLEY SULLENBERGER: "Young Eagles is a program of volunteers who give young people who are interested in aviation a first flight. It's a chance to ignite their passion, a chance to provide for the future of aviation."
His involvement comes during a time of changes in the airline industry. Wages for pilots and crews are down as a result of competition among low cost carriers. Chesley Sullenberger says many young people have lost interest in flying.
CHESLEY SULLENBERGER: "The number of student pilot starts, that is the number of people who begin to learn to fly, has decreased in the last number of years substantially. What we're trying to do is arrest that descent and to renew people's interest in aviation as a possibility for creation or for a profession."
Sullenberger hopes the example he and his crew set on the Hudson River will fuel interest in aviation. And he wants to make sure that airline passengers will have skilled, experienced crews in the future. I'm Steve Ember.
Word |
뜻 |
Pilot |
n. a. 도선사, 수로 안내인, 키잡이, 조종사, 지도자, 조절기(drop the pilot 훌륭한 지도자를 물리치다-도선할, 지도하다, 비행기를 조종하다, 시험적인, 예비거인 |
known |
v a. 알려진, 이미 알고 있는, make ~ 공표(발표)하다 |
heroic |
a. n. 영웅적인, 용감한, 장렬한, (문체가) 웅대한, (조상 따위가) 실물보다 큰, 영웅시(격)의, 과장된 표현(감정, 행위) |
struck |
a. 파업으로 폐쇄된(영향을 받은) |
failed |
a. 실패한 |
York |
n.요크 |
n. (회계등의)감사관, 감사역, (회사의)경리부장, 관명으로는 COMPTROLLER, 지배자, 관리인, (항공)관제관, (전동기등의)제어(조종)장치, ~ship, controll |
runway |
n.주로;활주로;동물이 다니는 길 |
would |
aux, ..할 것이다, 가끔...했다, ..할 텐데 |
n. vt. vi. 비행, 날기, (나는 새의)떼, (시간의)경과, 항공여행, 우주여행, (사상, 야심의)고양, 비행술, 도주, 패주, (떼지어 나는 새를) 쏘다, (새가) 떼지어 |
gonna |
a. ..할 예정인 |
decided |
a. 뚜렷한, 명백한, 단호한 |
landed |
a. 토지를 갖고 있는, 소유지의 |
brought |
v bring의과거(분사) |
thinking |
a. 생각하는, 사고력 있는, 사상이 있는 |
aircraft |
n.항공기 |
event |
n. 사건, 큰 사건, 경과, 결과, 경우, 종목, 시합(at all events 좌우간, 하여튼, in any event 무슨 일이 있어도, 하여튼) |
lives |
n. life복수형 |
instantly |
즉시로, 즉석에서, ..하자마자:ad, conj, |
completely |
ad.완전히;충분히;전혀;전부 |
forever |
ad.n. 영원히, 언제나, 끊임없이, 항상, 영원 |
Since |
ad.그 후, 그 이래, (지금부터 몇 해, 며칠)전에, ever ~ 그 후 쭉(내내), long ~ 훨씬 이전에(전부터), not long ~ 바로 최근, ..이래, (, ..한 |
landing |
n. 상륙, 착륙 |
received |
a.받아들여진;표준으로 받아들여진 |
University |
n. 대학, 종합대학 |
Medal |
n. 메달, 상패, 기장, 훈장, 공로장(일반 시민에 수여;1942년 제정) |
Excellence |
n. 우수, 탁월, 장점, 미점 |
first |
a. n. ad, 제1의, 주요한, 수위의, 제일, 일등, 일위, 최초, 초하루, 첫째로, 최초로, 처음으로, 차라리, 오히려 |
fellow |
n. 동무, 동지, 동료, 일원, 한 쪽, 놈, 자식, 애인, 평의원 |
member |
n. 일원, 구성원, 수족, 신체의 일부, 기관, 부분 |
strange |
a. ad, 이상한, 모르는, 눈에 선, 타국의, 생소한, 익숙치 못한, 경험이 없는, 타국의, 묘하게 |
club |
곤봉, 클럽, 타구봉, 공봉형의 구조(기관), 클럽실, 클럽회관, 클럽의 빡, 곤봉으로 때리다(혼내주다), (총 등을)곤봉 대신으로 쓰다, (돈.생각 등을)협력하여 모으다, (지출 |
Sully |
n. 더럼, 오점 |
retired |
a.은퇴한;퇴역의;표면에나서기싫어하는;벽촌의;후미진 |
Being |
v n. be의 현재 분사-존재, 실재, 생존, 생물, 사람, 본질 |
gave |
v give의 과거 |
chance |
기회, 호기, 계기, 가망, 승산, 성산, 가능성, (가능성이 큰)가망, 형세, 우연, 운, 운수, 우연히 생긴 일, 위험, 모험, 부정수(양), 복권, 우연한, 우연히 일어나다, |
notoriety |
n. (나쁜 뜻의)평판, 악명높은 사람, 유명한 사람, 유명(함)화제의 인물 |
attention |
n. 주의, 고려, 주의력, 배려, 보살핌, 친절, 정중, 정중한, 응급치료 |
given |
a. 주어진, 이미 알고 있는, 일정한, 경향을 띠어, 탐닉하여 |
difference |
n. 다름, 차이점, 불화 |
Aviation |
n. 비행술 |
safety |
n. 안전, 안전기(관), in ~ 안전(무사)히, play for ~ 안전을 기하다 |
state |
n. vt. 상태, 형세, 계급, 지위, 신분, 고위, 국가, 나라, 근심, 흥분상태, 위엄, 당당함, 장관, 의식, 국무성(장관), 진술(주장)하다, (날짜등을)지정하다, 정하다 |
airline |
n. 항공로, 항공 회사, 직행로 |
profession |
n. (전문적, 지적)직업, 동업자들, 배우들, 공언, 신앙 고백(profession 직업은) |
course |
진행, 추이, 진로, 수로, (배.비행기의)코스, 침로, 항(공)로, 노정, 과정, 경과, 추세, (행동의)방침, 방향, 행동, 거동, (보통 고교 이상의 학습)과정, 일정한 교육 |
program |
n. vt. 프로그램, 차례표, 예정, 계획, 프로그램(처리 절차를 지시한 것), 프로그램(차례)를 짜다, 계획하다, (컴퓨터에)프로그램을 넣다(주다) |
Experimental |
a. 실험에 의한, 실험적인, 실험용의, 경험에 의한 |
Association |
n. 연합, 합동, 결합, 조합, 연상, 관념연합, 교제, 친밀 |
interested |
a. 흥미를 가진, 이해 관계 있는, 이해 관계가 있는, 타산적인, 사심이 있는 |
ignite |
vt. vi. 점화하다, 고도로 가열하다, 연소시키다, 감정을 타오르게 하다, 발화하다 |
their |
pron, 그들의 것 |
passion |
n. 격정, 열정, 감정의 폭발, 정욕, 정열, 수난 |
provide |
vt. vi. 준비하다, 조건을 정해두다, 규정하다, 공급하다, 대비하다, 예방책을 취하다, 부양하다(be provided with ..의 설비가 되다, ..의 준비가 되어 있다) |
involvement |
n. 말려들게함, 휩쓸리게함, 연루, 연좌, 어쩔수 없는 관계, 곤란한일, 성가신일, 재정곤란 |
during |
prep. ~의동안, ~사이 |
industry |
n. 산업, 공업, 제조업, 생산업, 사업, 기업, (집합적)산업계, 경영자측(management), 근면, 열심, 노력, 근로(diligence), (구)(특정 작가, 제목등에 |
result |
n.결과;귀추;결말;성과;(좋은)성적;결과;답 |
competition |
n. 경쟁, 경기, 시합, 경쟁시험, 경쟁자, 경쟁상대 |
among |
prep. ..의 사이에, 의 가운데서, 에 둘러싸여 |
lost |
v 잃은, 놓친, 길잃은, 진, 허비한, 정신팔린, 파멸된, 죽인, 헛되이, be ~ in ..에 잠겨있다, give up for ~ 가망 없는 것으로 치고 단념하다 |
interest |
흥미, 관심, 감흥, 재미, 호기심, 관심사, 취미, 중요성, 이해관계, 이익관계, 물권, 이권, 권익, (가진)주, 이익, 이, 득, 사리, 사심, 사욕, 세력, 신용, (같은 |
flying |
n. a. 비행, 질주, 나는, 급히 서두르는, 공중에 뜨는, 나는 듯이 빠른, 솜나부랑이 |
substantially |
ad.대체로, 요점은, 실질상, 충분히, 든든히 |
trying |
a. 견딜 수 없는, 괴로운, 쓰라린, 지치는, 화나는, 약오르는(prowoking) |
arrest |
vt. n. 체포하다, 붙들다, 막다, 저지하다, 마음을 끌다, 저지, 체포, 구속, 구류 |
descent |
n. 하강, 내리받이, 상속 |
renew |
vt.새롭게 하다;새 것으로 바꾸다;되살리다 |
possibility |
n. 가능성, 가능한 일, 가망(by any possibility 만일에, 혹시, 도저히..않다, 아무래도, by some possibility 어쩌면, 혹시) |
creation |
n. 창조, 천지 창조, 창세, 창작, 창설, (제국 등의)건설, 수작, 위계의 수여, (신의)창조물, 삼라만상, 만물, 우주, (지력.상상력의)산물, 작품, (배우의)역의 창조, |
crew |
n. vi. vt. (승객을 제외한 배.비행기.열차의)승무원 전원, (고급 선원을 제외한)일반 선원들, (비행기에서 운항 승무원 이외의)승무원, (보트의)크루, 보트팀, 동아리, |
fuel |
n. vt. vi. 연료, 감정을 불태우는 것, 핵연료, (에너지원이 되는) 음식물, 연료를 공급하다, 연료를 얻다 |
skilled |
a. 숙련된, 기술이 좋은 |
experienced |
a. 경험을 가진, 노련한 |
Ember |
n. 단식과 기도의 계재 |
Word |
뜻 |
Pilot |
noun someone who
is licensed to operate an aircraft in flight; a person qualified to guide
ships through difficult waters going into or out of a harbor |
known |
adj. apprehended
with certainty |
heroic |
adj. having or
displaying qualities appropriate for heroes; relating to or characteristic of
heroes of antiquity |
struck |
adj. (used in
combination) affected by something overwhelming |
failed |
adj. unable to
meet financial obligations |
York |
noun the English
royal house (a branch of the Plantagenet line) that reigned from 1461 to
1485; its emblem was a white rose |
noun a mechanism
that controls the operation of a machine; someone who maintains and audits
business accounts |
runway |
noun a strip of
level paved surface where planes can take off and land; a narrow platform
extending from the stage into the audience in a theater or nightclub etc. |
noun a scheduled
trip by plane between designated airports; an instance of traveling by air |
decided |
recognizable; marked |
landed |
adj. owning or
consisting of land or real estate |
thinking |
adj. endowed
with the capacity to reason; noun the process of using your mind to consider
something carefully |
aircraft |
noun a vehicle
that can fly |
event |
noun something
that happens at a given place and time; a phenomenon located at a single
point in space-time; the fundamental observational entity in relativity
theory |
instantly |
adv. without any
delay; without delay or hesitation; with no time intervening |
completely |
adv. so as to be
complete; with everything necessary; to a complete degree or to the full or
entire extent (`whole' is often used informally for `wholly') |
forever |
adv. for a very
long or seemingly endless time; seemingly without interruption; often and
repeatedly |
landing |
noun the act of
coming to land after a voyage; the act of coming down to the earth (or other
surface) |
received |
adj. widely
accepted as true or worthy; conforming to the established language usage of
educated native speakers |
University |
establishment where a seat of higher learning is housed, including
administrative and living quarters as well as facilities for research and
teaching; the body of faculty and students at a university |
Medal |
noun an award
for winning a championship or commemorating some other event |
Excellence |
noun the quality
of excelling; possessing good qualities in high degree; an outstanding
feature; something in which something or someone excels |
first |
adj. being the
gear producing the lowest drive speed; ranking above all others |
fellow |
noun an informal
form of address for a man; a man who is the lover of a girl or young woman |
member |
noun an
organization that is a member of another organization (especially a state
that belongs to a group of nations); one of the persons who compose a social
group (especially individuals who have joined and participates in a group
organization) |
strange |
adj. not known
before; being definitely out of the ordinary and unexpected; slightly odd or
even a bit weird |
club |
noun stout stick
that is larger at one end; a playing card in the minor suit that has one or
more black trefoils on it |
Sully |
noun French
statesman (1560-1641); United States painter (born in England) of portraits
and historical scenes (1783-1872) |
retired |
adj. no longer
active in your work or profession; discharged as too old for use or work;
especially with a pension |
Being |
noun the state
or fact of existing; a living thing that has (or can develop) the ability to
act or function independently |
chance |
adj. occurring
or appearing or singled out by chance; noun a risk involving danger |
notoriety |
noun the state
of being known for some unfavorable act or quality |
attention |
noun a courteous
act indicating affection; a motionless erect stance with arms at the sides
and feet together; assumed by military personnel during drill or review |
given |
acknowledged as a supposition; having possession delivered or transferred
without compensation |
difference |
noun the quality
of being unlike or dissimilar; a significant change |
Aviation |
noun the art of
operating aircraft; the operation of aircraft to provide transportation |
safety |
noun a score in
American football; a player is tackled behind his own goal line; a safe place |
state |
noun the way
something is with respect to its main attributes; a politically organized
body of people under a single government |
airline |
noun a
commercial enterprise that provides scheduled flights for passengers; a hose
that carries air under pressure |
profession |
noun an
occupation requiring special education (especially in the liberal arts or
sciences); affirmation of acceptance of some religion or faith |
course |
adv. as might be
expected; noun a mode of action |
program |
noun a
performance (or series of performances) at a public presentation; a system of
projects or services intended to meet a public need |
Experimental |
adj. relying on
observation or experiment; of the nature of or undergoing an experiment |
Association |
noun the act of
consorting with or joining with others; the process of bringing ideas or
events together in memory or imagination |
interested |
adj. having or
showing interest; especially curiosity or fascination or concern; involved in
or affected by or having a claim to or share in |
ignite |
verb cause to
start burning; subject to fire or great heat; arouse or excite feelings and
passions |
passion |
noun strong
feeling or emotion; a feeling of strong sexual desire |
provide |
verb take
measures in preparation for; determine (what is to happen in certain
contingencies), especially by including a proviso condition or stipulation |
involvement |
noun a
connection of inclusion or containment; the act of sharing in the activities
of a group |
industry |
noun the
organized action of making of goods and services for sale; the people or
companies engaged in a particular kind of commercial enterprise |
result |
noun something
that results; the semantic role of the noun phrase whose referent exists only
by virtue of the activity denoted by the verb in the clause |
competition |
noun the act of
competing as for profit or a prize; a business relation in which two parties
compete to gain customers |
lost |
adj. not caught
with the senses or the mind; no longer in your possession or control; unable
to be found or recovered |
interest |
noun the power
of attracting or holding one's attention (because it is unusual or exciting
etc.); a sense of concern with and curiosity about someone or something |
flying |
adj. done
swiftly in or as if in the air; used e.g. of a racing start in which runners
are already in motion as they cross the starting line; hurried and brief |
substantially |
adv. in a strong
substantial way; to a great extent or degree |
trying |
adj. hard to
endure; extremely irritating to the nerves |
arrest |
noun the state
of inactivity following an interruption; the act of apprehending (especially
apprehending a criminal) |
descent |
noun the act of
changing your location in a downward direction; a movement downward |
renew |
verb cause to
appear in a new form; reestablish on a new, usually improved, basis or make
new or like new |
possibility |
noun a possible
alternative; a future prospect or potential |
creation |
noun (theology)
God's act of bringing the universe into existence; the human act of creating |
crew |
noun the men who
man a ship or aircraft; the team of men manning a racing shell |
fuel |
noun a substance
that can be consumed to produce energy; verb stimulate |
skilled |
adj. having or
showing or requiring special skill |
experienced |
adj. having
experience; having knowledge or skill from observation or participation |
Ember |
noun a hot
fragment of wood or coal that is left from a fire and is glowing or
smoldering |